Cherry Tomatoes


Pack Size: 1 x Pint

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Grape Tomatoes are a quick and flavorful addition to any homemade meal. Perfect for mixing into a fresh salad, adding into a pasta dish, or enjoying on their own, these grape tomatoes provide marvelous texture, vibrant color, and an amazingly smooth taste that easily compliments your recipes. Juicy and delicious, grape tomatoes are known for their beautiful bright red color, thick skin, low water content, and long shelf-life. They're low in calories, are a good source of fiber, and contain vitamins A and C, lycopene and other vitamins and minerals, which means on top of bringing exceptional flavor and texture depth to the table, they also offer essential nutrients to lend themselves as a wholesome ingredient to any culinary creation. Whether you're looking for a quick and healthy snack or a deliciously easy ingredient to add to a meal, these Grape Tomatoes are the perfect choice.